If we recognize in the past 16 years experience that both of
technical and non- technical, Docbook markup language has become so popular for
documentation. In the latest fifth version of docbook supporting framework in
Joomla! Would be a breakthrough for Joomla! Joomla is the CMS to attain the top
position as a Joomla

First step would be to create a framework to handle easy
export/import of Docbook format content in Joomla! core. Usage of this
framework can be illustrated by using the framework through Joomla! content
component. Managing of content comes with a need to enable editing of Docbook
content in a user-friendly way (WYSIWYG way).
Thus, plugin for XML WYSIWYG editor are required. Bitflux
editor [http://bitfluxeditor.org/] comes out as a best choice. In later phase,
collaborative content editing and content versioning can be built upon the
Project Objectives
To provide easy way of content management
Enabling users to use Joomla! to handle content
across various softwares and platforms
To empower community in direction of the project
to certain extent
Application of “the concept of the cafĂ©” by
Peter Small
To use MVC in Joomla
development of the framework
Sharing learning experience with the community
To design the system to be flexible
Allowing 3rd party extensions to utilize the
Although I have done initial research on Docbook, I believe
further research is necessary for optimal implementation of Docbook framework.
Learning from previous implementations would enable me to come up with better
usage of Docbook’s newer features. “DocBook: The Definitive Guide” by O’Reilly
as it is the pioneer of Docbook.
Development of framework
There is a need to come up with Joomla! Specific xml tag
definitions for proper management of content during import/export process.
Import/export handler might require 3rd party extensions to have definition
through one XML document each. Editing handler and layout handler might be
implemented within the framework.
This would serve as an example for other 3rd party developer
to refer to. Also with me going through initial implementation, I would be able
to understand the process and extend the framework as necessary before the
final release to the Joomla
developer community.
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